Hello families! David is 9 months old!
Minnie asked me to write an update for her blog this month and I gladly accepted. If you are a father reading this right now, I’m sure it’s because you care for the health and sanity of the most incredible person in your life. I tell Minnie all the time that I appreciate her more and more each day and I am amazed how well she cares for the most precious thing in our world.
David is now 9 months old. He’s starting to couch surf, make up his own sign language and babbles all the time as I patiently await anything that resembles the word “daddy”. For all you fathers out there, especially those that have a 9-5 job (at least on paper), I am sure we can probably relate with the struggles to find time with your little one. Well, here is how I handle it and how I try to help Minnie with Minnie Dave – as we call him.
David sleeps from 6 pm until 6 am basically every day. I usually wake up around 5:30 am, go downstairs and grab a 6 oz bag of frozen breast milk from the freezer, put it in a bowl and pour hot water in it and wait 5 mins before I put it into his bottle – and for all you mothers reading this right now, yes, I make sure that I shut the freezer door completely! I then run upstairs to turn on the bath, fill it up to just the right height and then head into his room and take a video of my little guy waking up. I don’t think there is any better feeling in the world than seeing how happy your little one is to see you for the first time in the morning. Next, I give him his bath, put on his diaper and throw on a shirt and pants – Minnie complains about my fashion selection every day but I think that’s part of the fun. Downstairs we go and I feed him while Minnie pumps milk. When he’s finished, Minnie usually finishes and takes over as I get ready for work. My last daddy duty each weekday is to put him in his upseat and strap him in for his breakfast. Then I say my goodbyes for the day. On most days, this is the last I see of my little one until the next morning.
Put up your hand if you can relate. Also, put up your hand if you realize how fortunate you are to have that special women in your life that sacrifices so much for your family and well being. I can’t express enough gratitude to Minnie for being able to know that I will get the exact same chance each morning to spend that precious hour with my little one.